Archie, a 7-year-old warmblood gelding on the brink of retirement due to persistent joint pain and inflammation has been given a second chance thanks to the innovative technology of the 2.5% iPAAG product, Arthramid Vet.

Archie’s owner and accomplished dressage rider, Judy, purchased the stunning chestnut gelding as an unbroken 2-year-old. However, soon after it became apparent that there was an undetected issue brewing in his right stifle. The initial arthroscopic surgery report stated cartilage excoriations in both stifle joints and potential meniscus involvement. After a number of further X-rays and arthroscopic treatments, Archie was diagnosed with a stifle​​ OCD lesion as a 3-year-old.  While he was yet to develop any bony changes indicative of arthritis, he suffered from persistent low-level soreness and inflammation of the joint.

Taking the traditional course of action for this particular diagnosis, Archie was treated with a combination of Hyaluron (hyaluronic acid) and Triamcinolone (corticosteroid) for a number of years.  Initially, this looked to be working and Archie was broken in and schooling soundly for periods of time. However, it was soon apparent these treatments had exhausted their effectiveness, as they increased in frequency and decreased in effect.

Dr Emma Wood first saw the horse as a rising 7-year-old when retirement was looking imminent as the steroids had run their course and further doses were not advised.  Dr Wood, having already been a strong advocate for the product after having much success with her patients, suggested Judy try Arthramid Vet. 

Feeling they had exhausted all other avenues and keen to give it a try, Dr Wood treated Archie with 2ml in his medial and middle stifle joints.

 Following the treatment, Archie had 2 days of box rest, before beginning very light work for 4-6 weeks, in which his soundness improved exponentially, far exceeding Judy’s expectations.

“One of the main things I noticed after Archie’s first Arthramid treatment was how much happier he was. He was never overtly lame beforehand, but I knew he wasn’t happy in his work, especially for extended periods of time. Everyone noticed it. They all commented on how much more settled and happier he was,” Judy explains.

Archie has now had two additional top-up treatments of 1ml over the past 12 months, each one seemingly working better than the last.

“When I first saw this horse he was no longer responding to the frequent doses of Cortisone injections that they’d be using as a bandaid for a number of years. He was treated with Arthramid about a year ago and has since been back into work, training at medium-level dressage movements with no sign of lameness” reports Dr Wood.

“Archie was on the verge of retirement, so it’s been very pleasing for me to be able to get him back to being a sound and happy horse and by all reports working better than he ever has” says Dr Wood. 

Judy has been impressed with the product and is relieved to have a happy, sound horse after years of using traditional treatment methods that never provided the long-term relief Arthramid Vet has.

“I can’t speak more highly of the product. Especially that it is not degenerating the joint, as opposed to steroids which I believe can have detrimental long-term effects”.

While Judy may no longer be riding competitively and has no plans for Archie to enter the competition arena, she is enjoying riding a pain-free, happy horse who is now becoming a master at the medium-level dressage movements and is free from his persistent joint pain and inflammation issues. 

“Archie had always resisted movements that favour his right side, such as the shoulder-in and half pass to the right, but now he’s realised that it is no longer going to hurt, he’s much happier to oblige and is working through them well.”   

“His training has come along really well since the Arthramid treatment, he’s picking up the movements faster and working much more freely than before.”