Published Clinical Trial on the Efficacy of 2.5% PAAG Arthramid® Vet

This article is written for veterinarians, owners and trainers to summarise the major findings from a published study used for the listing of Arthramid Vet as a registered veterinary medicine in New Zealand and Australia. The…

Dr Florent David at Vet Fest Australia

View On Demand. VetFest Marketplace – A dedicated Industry Week for the Veterinary Profession View this 40 minute video presentation as Dr Florent David (DVM, MS, Dipl. ACVS & ECVS,…

Management of Joint Lameness in Competition and Sport Horses

Osteoarthritis (OA) is considered the most important musculoskeletal disorder in both humans and horses. From a clinical perspective it is associated with lameness and dysfunction of the affected joint, and…

Japan Racing Association (JRA)

Japan Racing Association (JRA) institute Laboratory for Racing Chemistry testing confirms Arthramid® Vet is free of Prohibited Substances in Japan Racing. To provide assurances to veterinarians in Japan, a representative…

New hydrogel technology to treat joint lameness in horses

New hydrogel technology, researched and adapted for veterinary use, offers a pioneering treatment for osteoarthritis in horses without an active pharmaceutical. Osteoarthritis (OA) is often cited as the most significant…

Pioneering treatment for arthritis may improve equine welfare and reduce wastage

Equine veterinarians have a range of options to treat lameness in horses caused by osteoarthritis (OA) and practitioners use all means at their disposal to ensure horses are exposed to the absolute…

2.5% iPAAG for managing intercarpal joint lameness – AAEP Presentation 2019

New treatments for osteoarthritis are always welcomed, and many times a cutting-edge product is presented at AAEP to advise practitioners of the possibilities to manage the equine athlete. It is…

NAEAP Symposium, Jan 1, 2020: Vets Consider 2.5% Polyacrylamide Gel (PAAG)Treatment

This article was Posted by Stephanie L. Church, Editor-in-Chief | Jan 1, 2020 | 2019 NEAEP Symposium, Arthritis & Degenerative Joint Disease, Arthritis & Degenerative Joint Disease, Article, Horse Care,…

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Arthramid Vet Australia