Sound gets the spring back in his step thanks to ArthramidVet®

Have you ever heard of Sound? Sound is an 8-year-old brown thoroughbred racehorse born in Germany in 2013. After several successful seasons of racing in Germany, with 7 wins from…

Joint disease in horses – How to treat navicular disease.

Navicular disease (ND) is a chronic degenerative condition of the navicular bone of the foot and is one of the most common and frustrating causes of horse lameness. The syndrome…

Treatment of tenosynovitis of the deep digital flexor tendon sheath in a racing TB

In this second issue we report on how an experienced racetrack veterinarian managed a case of chronic tenosynovitis of the deep digital flexor tendon sheath in a racing Thoroughbred. Case…

UK Equine Case Series 341 Horses and 804 joints

A case series report following the treatment with 2.5% polyacrylamide hydrogel of 804 joints in 341 horses (average of 2.36 joints per horse). The treatments were carried out by three…

Carpal lameness in 4 year old Warmblood Gelding

Junior, a 4 year old Warmblood gelding, bred to perform dressage, presented with a progressive left forelimb lameness. Clinical signs were noticed towards the later stages of his first season…

Novel treatment of elbow dysplasia and associated osteoarthritis

A pilot study to assess the efficacy of 2.5% PAAG in 20 Labrador Retrievers with Elbow Dysplasia (2017-2018) and associated Osteoarthritis. Background: 20 Labrador Retriever dogs with moderate to severe…

Novel treatment of elbow osteoarthritis in an 8yr old dog

Dora, an 8 year old mastiff x staffy bitch had been suffering from bilateral elbow osteoarthritis for approximately two years. She required regular (up to weekly) meloxicam administration to maintain…

Treatment of fetlock lameness in a Thoroughbred racehorse

Skiddy, a 3 year old Thoroughbred gelding had presented severely lame in the left forelimb after galloping around a paddock whilst having a spell from race training. Radiographs identified a…

Treatment of fetlock lameness using ArthramidVet 2.5% iPAAG

Dream was a 2-year-old Thoroughbred in full race training that started to resent being ridden and over space of 4 weeks developed swelling of the left fore fetlock. Examination: Physical…

Treatment of coffin (DIP) joint lameness using ArthramidVet 2.5% iPAAG

Pluto was a 12-year-old mixed breed gelding that had been used for Hunting for over six years and developed progressive unevenness in the contact and reluctance to exercise over six…

Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Tarsometatarsal (TMT) Joint in a Horse

Devon was a 12-year-old Warmblood gelding that was competing at level 5 dressage. Over the space of three months his ability to perform flying changes to the left significantly reduced…

Treatment of intercarpal joint lameness using ArthramidVet 2.5% PAAG

Elmo was a 7-year-old Warmblood-Thoroughbred cross gelding competing at the height of 1.4m in Showjumping. Over 12 weeks, his performance reduced to a point where he started to resent training…

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Arthramid Vet Australia