Summer, a 12-year-old pony, had a successful career as a Mini Prix show jumper and show hunter pony, winning many rugs and ribbons. However, over time, she began to experience discomfort that affected her performance.

Diagnosis and Initial Treatment

In early May 2021, owner Tessa noticed Summer’s reluctance to canter, and after several tests and X-rays, was found to have arthritis and bone chips in both hocks. 

Summer underwent keyhole surgery to remove the bone chips, followed by six months of rest, steroid injections, and intensive rehabilitation. Despite these efforts, there was no significant improvement in Summer’s condition. She remained stiff and inflexible.


Given the severity of Summer’s arthritis and lack of progress, veterinarian, Dr Emily Sherlock of Waikato Equine, recommended ArthramidVet, due to its ability to improve joint mobility and reduce pain. After the treatment, Tessa saw immediate improvements. Summer was less stiff, more flexible, and happier, especially in canter and jumping.

Post-Treatment Rehabilitation

Following the ArthramidVet injection, Summer underwent intensive rehabilitation. She was on box rest for several months, walked, and used a water treadmill. Although ArthramidVet typically takes a few weeks to show results, Summer improved right away. She was much more willing to canter.

By early February 2022, Summer was gradually reintroduced to work and joined the equestrian academy when Tessa returned to school for the year. She continued to strengthen and show no signs of discomfort. By mid-year, she was jumping again and performing well.


Summer remained sound and pain-free until an unexpected paddock accident in March 2023, leading to her retirement from competitive work. She is now expecting a foal and can handle light work without pain.

Summer’s case demonstrates the effectiveness of ArthramidVet in managing severe arthritis. Despite initial setbacks with conventional treatments, ArthramidVet provided the necessary relief for Summer to return to the competition ring pain-free.