Japan Racing Association (JRA) Anti-Doping Statement Regarding 2.5% PAAG Arthramid® Vet.


The Japan Central Racing Association Feed and Drug Inspection Supervisory Committee Secretariat Anti-Doping Division, Horse Affairs Department have confirmed that there is no ban on the use of 2.5% polyacrylamide (PAAG) product Arthramid® Vet in racehorses in Japan. 

2.5% PAAG (Arthramid® Vet) is licensed as a veterinary medicine in Australia and New Zealand and is a stable, non-pyrogenic, sterile and fully biocompatible product. It is manufactured in a European Medical Agency (EMA) certified GMP facility in Denmark. This facility also manufactures 2.5% PAAG products for human use.

The JRA further commented that they have no safety or toxicology concerns for residue levels from 2.5% PAAG (Arthramid® Vet), nor are there any detectable metabolites.  Residual monomers from manufacturing have been calculated using recommendations from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (2007). Levels do not raise biological safety concerns, either in data-derived or worst-case scenarios. The European Medical Agency (EMA) have similarly ruled that 2.5% PAAG is considered as not falling within the scope of regulation with regard to residues for veterinary medicinal products. 

2.5% PAAG (Arthramid® Vet) is licenced for use in the treatment of non-infectious causes of joint lameness and osteoarthritis in horses and remains localised in the sub-synovial tissues following intra-articular injection.  

Consistent with Article 6 of the IFHA International Agreement on horse racing, the JRA require that at least 10 clear days are allowed to elapse from the time of any intra-articular treatment prior to racing to ensure that there is no possible detrimental effect to the horse’s welfare. Practicing veterinarians are required to include this information in their daily medical reports to the JRA. 

2.5% PAAG (Arthramid® Vet) is long lasting and scientific studies indicate that up to 2 weeks is required to achieve a clinical effect. A horse can therefore be treated with 2.5% PAAG (Arthramid® Vet) during periods of reduced exercise demand or even earlier in the horses training programme than normally considered with conventional treatments. The decision and the recommendations of the JRA align with the recommended treatment protocols for Arthramid® Vet. Arthramid Vet Managing Partner Dr Jason Lowe welcomed the formal recommendation “this was of course of no surprise to us but with other PAAG products on the market globally, none of which have had the same rigorous safety studies performed as Arthramid® Vet, this affords veterinarians and racing authorities the confidence to continue to use Arthramid® Vet as per our recommendations”. 


Dr Jason Lowe BVSc.
IMS Vet LP, 


IMS Vet is positioned as a key leader in researching, developing and promoting joint health products for the veterinary market created around a small but dedicated team of passionate people. “Our philosophy of innovation remains at the centre of everything we do. Our core mission is to improve the health, performance and wellbeing of patients through technological innovation, intensive R & D and global partner alliances in the veterinary industry leading to better patient outcomes and client enjoyment of the animals we love.”