Non-Pharmacological treatment offers veterinarians a better option for older and metabolic patients suffering from osteoarthritis (OA).

Arthramid Vet’s 2.5% iPAAG technology is injected directly into the joint space providing lubrication and cushioning. Over a period of 2 to 4 weeks it fully integrates into the synovial membrane providing an immune barrier that interrupts the inflammatory cycle characteristic of OA, and restoring the joint to better function long term.

Up until now conventional treatments for OA have significant risks associated with them, especially for older patients, and patients with underlying metabolic diseases (Equine Metabolic Syndrome, PPID, PSSM), or those predisposed to developing laminitis.

Rebecca Duke’s 6-year-old gelding, Mr Finn presented with intermittent lameness 2 years ago, having periods of being sound, before the lameness would come back again. To look at, he was a horse of two halves, “He looked like two different horses, his hind end didn’t match his front at all”

He was then diagnosed with the muscle disease, Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy (PSSM) so at the time the lameness was attributed to him being so tight in his muscles.

After lots of trial and error with treatments and no progress, they investigated further. X-rays showed arthritis in multiple places and boney changes, however, the main problem was the incongruity of the femoral condyles (in his stifles), as well as being arthritic.

Finn was medicated with steroid injections and while he did improve for a period of time, he still wasn’t right and remained unsound in transitions. He then became exercise intolerant due to the pain from his stifles causing issues with his PSSM.

They opted to try Arthramid Vet as a last resort and had begun talking about options for retirement.

“At just 8 years old this was heartbreaking,” Rebecca said.

“After a short period of rest, he returned back to work and the difference even just at the walk was amazing. No toe dragging or tripping and he looked like a normal horse in his movement. I was feeling so positive about the rehab.”

By Summer 2022, they were given the all clear, Finn was 100% sound, and they are back competing up to novice level dressage and doing all normal riding club activities.

“I wouldn’t be able to manage Finn’s other conditions without keeping him in regular work and fit so really, Arthramid Vet saved his life.”

Rebecca Duke – The Cob Diaries (UK)