Management of Joint Lameness in Competition and Sport Horses

Osteoarthritis (OA) is considered the most important musculoskeletal disorder in both humans and horses. From a clinical perspective it is associated with lameness and dysfunction of the affected joint, and…

Treatment of carpal (knee) lameness in horses.

The carpus (knee) of the horse is comprised of three joints, with 2 rows of 7 (or sometimes 8) carpal bones between the radius (forearm) and the canon bone. (see…

Treatment of lameness in the distal limb (coffin joint and pastern joint) of the horse.

In this article we discuss the treatment of lameness in the distal limb of the horse related to osteoarthritis of the distal interphalangeal (DIP) or ‘coffin’ joint, and the proximal…

Treatment of Fetlock Lameness in Horses

Lameness of the fetlock joint in horses is fairly common. The fetlock joint (metacarpophalangeal/metatarsophalangeal joint) is a high motion joint with a small cross-sectional area and little soft tissue covering,…

How to treat hock lameness in horses

The tarsus, or hock, is unique because it contains both high and low motion joints, all of which can undergo disease and cause hock lameness. There are many types of…

Novel treatment of stifle lameness in a horse

The horse’s stifle is often considered particularly complex because of the large number of associated intraarticular and periarticular soft tissue structures [1]. Furthermore, injuries to the soft tissues oftentimes occur…

Sound gets the spring back in his step thanks to ArthramidVet®

Have you ever heard of Sound? Sound is an 8-year-old brown thoroughbred racehorse born in Germany in 2013. After several successful seasons of racing in Germany, with 7 wins from…

Japan Racing Association (JRA)

Japan Racing Association (JRA) institute Laboratory for Racing Chemistry testing confirms Arthramid® Vet is free of Prohibited Substances in Japan Racing. To provide assurances to veterinarians in Japan, a representative…

Joint disease in horses – How to treat navicular disease.

Navicular disease (ND) is a chronic degenerative condition of the navicular bone of the foot and is one of the most common and frustrating causes of horse lameness. The syndrome…

New hydrogel technology to treat joint lameness in horses

New hydrogel technology, researched and adapted for veterinary use, offers a pioneering treatment for osteoarthritis in horses without an active pharmaceutical. Osteoarthritis (OA) is often cited as the most significant…

Treatment of tenosynovitis of the deep digital flexor tendon sheath in a racing TB

In this second issue we report on how an experienced racetrack veterinarian managed a case of chronic tenosynovitis of the deep digital flexor tendon sheath in a racing Thoroughbred. Case…

Management of subchondral bone disease in the equine fetlock joint

We recently met with experienced racetrack veterinarians’ that have introduced Arthramid Vet into their management of subchondral bone disease in racing Thoroughbreds’. Introduction: Subchondral bone is composed of a subchondral…

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Arthramid Vet Australia