We have a global team of experienced veterinarians that have now treated many thousands of cases. Please feel free to contact us to answer any questions you may have on case selection, case management, or the clinical application of ArthramidVet®.
Method Of Administration

ArthramidVet® is for intra-articular use only and must be administered by a qualified veterinarian familiar with the procedure in the intended species.

Pre-Operative Procedures

Animals may be sedated to minimise stress and discomfort. Strict aseptic conditions must be followed at all times.

A 20G to 23G needle is placed intra-articularly. Synovial fluid should be observed. Care should be taken to avoid unnecessary damage of the intra-articular tissue, as this may result in mild swelling lasting for 24 to 48 hours. Remove the protective tip cap from the ArthramidVet® syringe. Attach the syringe firmly into the Luer lock socket on the needle and make sure the syringe is correctly mounted. The amount of ArthramidVet® used is 1 – 2 mL. If necessary, hold the needle hub and unscrew the used syringe before reattaching a new ArthramidVet® syringe to continue the injection.

Post Injection Instructions

Following treatment, animals should be rested for 48 to 72 hours. After this time, the animal can return to exercise concomitant to its degree of lameness until a response to treatment is seen — typically 2-4 weeks after treatment.

Training modification to accommodate the degree of lameness and the disease process being managed should also be considered. The use of alternative training methods such as swimming, water treadmills and dry treadmills are encouraged during the tissue integration phase and may offer better long term results.

Animals will typically show a gradual reduction in lameness from the first week after treatment and a concurrent reduction in reaction to passive flexion. After 4 to 6 weeks, no further improvement is expected, and re-examination at that time is indicated to either administer a top-up dose in those that have only partially responded (around 10-15% of cases, depending on dosage used) or to reassess the accuracy of the diagnosis.

It is important for owners to understand this time lag for a treatment effect to be seen as this contrasts with most conventional therapies. For this reason, and the long-lasting benefits, it is also reasonable to consider treating the animal during periods of reduced exercise demands or earlier in the animal’s training programme than normally considered.

Dosage - Equine

There is evidence that there is a dose-dependent response. Doses for each joint may be altered depending on the size of the joint and the severity or chronicity of disease. e.g. mild, moderate or severe joint disease may be treated with either 1, 2, or 3 mL respectively. The following dosage recommendations have been made based on observed clinical responses to treatment;

Distal Interphalangeal: 1-2mL
Proximal Interphalangeal: 1 mL
Metacarpo/tarso-phalangeal: 1-3 mL
Carpus: 1-3mL
Tarsometatarsal/ Distal Intertarsal: 1 mL
Tarsocrural: 2-3 mL
Shoulder: 2-3 mL
Stifles: 1-2 mL per compartment

Published clinical trials indicate horses that partially respond to an initial treatment may benefit from a second top-up dose at 4 to 6 weeks later.
Safety studies indicate that concurrent treatment of multiple joints in the same animal is safe and repeated doses can be given when clinically indicated, typically at 6 to 12 month intervals.

  • Arthramid Vet should not be used in actively infected areas
  • Do not use in animals with acute/ chronic disease that are receiving concurrent treatment with systemic corticosteroids or antibiotics.
  • Do not use if package is open or damaged.
  • Do not resterilise Arthramid Vet.
  • Do not inject Arthramid Vet intravascularly.

ArthramidVet® User Guide

Veterinarians: Get our treatment guide for dosage, mode of action, case selection, case management and post injection care.


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