Horses often show discomfort in a number of ways and it doesn’t always result in visual lameness or apparent discomfort. This was the case for Rolo, whose diagnosis wasn’t particularly obvious. However, Arthramid Vet provided him with great relief and prompted his owner to go on a search for a human equivalent to treat her own troublesome knees. 

Back in 2019, 6-year-old Rolo entered the life of passionate owner, Rosemary, who was still reeling from the unexpected loss of her previous horse. 

Whilst it was obvious to Rosemary he was going to need a lot of work, Rolo felt like “The One” due to the wonderful feeling and connection he gave her. He sailed through a Stage 5 vetting and, within 48 hours, became part of the family.

As an amateur rider, Rosemary’s goal was to enjoy Rolo and dabble in competitive dressage and a bit of showjumping. Rolo was somewhat of a weak and stiff horse when Rosemary bought him, so she spent plenty of time slowly training Rolo, whilst focusing on maintaining a harmonious partnership and paying close attention to his cues.  Rolo has developed into a supple, muscular and comfortable horse. 

“I’m a great believer in listening to your horse and as our relationship developed and I knew him better, it became apparent that he wasn’t entirely comfortable” says Rosemary. 

Around 18 months into their journey, Rolo began showing discomfort, and kicking out during canter transitions, though no visible lameness was detected. Rosemary went on the hunt for answers and sought the expertise of Liphook Equine Hospital. Rolo underwent a full work up and they addressed a number of issues one at a time, however, not long after, the discomfort returned.  

In March 2022, they revisited Liphook to take a closer look at Rolo’s stifles as, while there was no lameness, the kicking out in the canter transition had returned and something was clearly causing him discomfort. 

A series of X-rays and ultrasound showed that his stifles were unremarkable and looked normal. From here the decision was made to try a steroid injection in both stifles, and while they were successful, they only provided temporary relief. 

In September 2022, a mere 6 months later, Rolo began showing discomfort in his work again and the issue reappeared. They returned to Liphook, where Rosemary decided to try one more round of steroids but was conscious they weren’t going to be a long-term solution due to their detrimental effect on the joint. 6 months later, the issues had again returned and it was recommended they try Arthramid Vet due to its track record of long-term success. 

Rolo received the Arthramid Vet treatment around March 2023 and the results have been outstanding. Rolo was given 48 hours rest, before resuming light work (walk and trot), and gradually increased the duration and intensity of this work, adding the canter again around 8 weeks post-treatment. 

“Since then we haven’t looked back! His muscle development and strength has improved massively since his Arthramid treatments” says Rosemary. 

“So much of Rolo’s behaviour could have been attributed to being a naughty horse but I honestly believe we must listen to them. As a result, my bond and trust with Rolo is greater than ever.”

The results were astounding, Rolo is now completely sound with noticeable improvements in his muscle development and strength.  He is once again the happy, comfortable, and supple horse that he once was and is competing in the odd dressage competition, even gaining an impressive 76% score in a test they entered in November 2022.

Witnessing the success of Arthramid Vet on Rolo, Rosemary decided to explore a similar treatment for her own troublesome knees after a disappointing arthroscopy experience led her to seek an alternative. 

“Both my knees have been troublesome for some time and after a disappointing arthroscopy experience in my left knee I was certain it wasn’t an option for my right knee”

She found a local clinic offering Arthrosamid (the human equivalent to Arthramid Vet), and the results were life-changing. 

“The procedure was quick and easy. I even drove myself there and back straight away. I was so delighted with the results I had the right knee done 6 weeks later.”

Her knees found comfort, her riding improved, and even her trusted physio noticed positive changes in the muscle tension in her back and overall posture.

“Now both my knees are feeling much more comfortable and cushioned, I feel I’m riding better and I also no longer feel like my whole body is compensating for my wonky knees”

Arthramid Vet not only brought comfort to Rolo, but it also encouraged Rosemary to go in search of better alternatives for her own joint issues.