Dr Emma Wood has been in the racing industry most of her life but was a late bloomer to the veterinary world. 

She has been an assistant trainer both in Newmarket England and at Flemington with Mike Moroney, before going off to vet school.

She has been using Arthramid Vet in her proactive for about eight years and finds there are a number of advantages of using the product, but primarily the long-standing soundness that you achieve from it, happier horses which she believes is a massive welfare aspect

“Arthramid is definitely better than other alternatives in particular cases in those horses that have chronic lameness issues or waxing and waning issues. Different types of knee pathology, fetlocks I’ve used it in hocks, stifles, coffin joints, tendon sheaths, elbows, everything, you name it I’ve used it and had great success”

“I choose Arthramid over other alternatives because it just works so well. I get sound horses, and they stay sound and up and racing for six to 12 months”

“The science behind it is astounding, there’s papers written now proving that and proving that against other popular products on the market”.

“If I could give tips to new vets using Arthramid, it’s to have someone show you how to do it first, and always have a spare set of sterile hands if you can until you get the hang of using it because it is quite a thick viscous product so it takes a few tries to get the hang of using it but then you’re away”.

“The way I like to use it is to diagnose the lameness using nerve blocks and x-rays, make sure you know what you’re looking at and which part of the joint that you want to treat. I then like to put that horse out in the paddock if it’s at the end of its preparation and as soon as they come back in, that’s when we use the product.  That’s how I have the best effect”.

“What sets Arthramid apart is that it’s an absolute Game Changer in keeping horses sound and the longevity of that soundness. The success with the amount of horses that I’ve used it in is just phenomenal, so yeah I would definitely recommend Arthramid to other trainers and other vets”.