JD Hayes trains in partnership with brother Ben, at Lindsay Park Racing.

They came across Arthramid Vet when it was recommended by head veterinarian, Dave Mckellar and Alex Tremlett for a couple of horses that were struggling with soundness issues, particularly in their knees.

“We gave it a try and we’ve been so happy with the results. We find it’s quite long-lasting, you get three to six months before you have to look at retreating the horse.

“The long-lasting aspect of it is very attractive. A lot of the time we were just battling chronic soundness issues.”

“A lot of horses with subchondral bone disease that comes with the vigours of training, we’re finding respond best with this Arthramid treatment and we’re able to extend their racing careers quite significantly because of this product”.

“What sets Arthramid apart from other products on the market, is the long-lasting aspect of it. The fact that you don’t really have to worry about it for the next three to six months is really really attractive to us”.

“The (success story) of note is probably a horse called Biometric. We’ve always been struggling with soundness issues with this horse but as soon as we gave him Arthramid, he really wound back the clock, and was able to break a long run of outs and win at Flemington the other day. And we put it down to the fact that he was feeling so well in himself, he started picking up on the feed we’re able to train him properly, and got the result for the connections”.

“I probably wouldn’t recommend other trainers because it’s such a competitive advantage! But no I seriously would, and I think it’s a real game changer”.