Simon Zahra is a familiar face in the thoroughbred racing game, he grew up in the industry, he’s been training for about 25 years and was also a part of the Hawkes Empire. 

“Arthramid Vet was recommended by Stuart Vallance, our vet as a new product which helps horses’ knees but also it was a drug that had longevity, so you know we’re keen to use it and had great success since.” 

“We’ve been using it in a lot of those older horses that normally their careers were cut short through bad knees and bad joints. Ever since we’ve been using Arthramid it’s given those horses a lot of longevity but also with the other products, they’re really short-acting and just sort of hides a lot of the problems. But with Arthramid, we’re finding that’s helping the long the horses and you use it from day one, as soon as they come into work. I’m finding it a tool that we use with nearly all our older horses.”

“The horse that comes to mind as most successful is a horse called Obfuscation. He had knee surgery in both knees. His knees didn’t really pass x-ray as a Yearling so he had a lot of problems from day one. We use the Arthramid with him and with a lot of love and care he ended up winning a race at Flemington, was placed in town four or five times so you know we’ve got a fair bit out of that horse, otherwise he probably would have been retired a young horse.”

“I definitely recommend Arthramid and I actually still do recommend it to a lot of trainers, especially when we on sell horses and just give them some advice on how to prolong their careers and we’ve had great feedback from a lot of the trainers that do use it as well.”

“It’s a tool that a lot of trainers are now got onto and definitely using.”